Journal article

Collins, S. L., Y. A. Chung, L. E. Baur, A. Hallmark, T. J. Ohlert and J. A. Rudgers. 2020. Press–pulse interactions and long-term community dynamics in a Chihuahuan Desert grassland. Journal of Vegetation Science 31(5):722-732.

Collins, S. L. 2020. Synthesis in ecology. BioScience 70(12):1041.

Collins, S. L. 2020. Changing disturbance regimes: The new normal?. BioScience 70(10):839.

Chung, N., M. W. Van Goethem, M. A. Preston, F. Lhota, L. Cerna, F. Garcia-Pichel, V. M. Fernandes, A. Giraldo-Silva, H. Shin Kim, E. Hurowitz, M. Balamotis, I. Wu and T. Ben-Yehezkel. 2020. Accurate microbiome sequencing with synthetic long read sequencing. bioRxiv.

Chuckran, P. F., R. Reibold, H. L. Throop and S. C. Reed. 2020. Multiple mechanisms determine the effect of warming on plant litter decomposition in a dryland. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 145(Jun):107799.

Cao, Q., J. Wu, D. Yu, R. Wang and J. Qiao. 2020. Regional landscape futures to moderate projected climate change: a case study in the agro-pastoral transitional zone of North China. Regional Environmental Change 20:Art 66.

Cao, Q., Y. Liu, M. Georgescu and J. Wu. 2020. Impacts of landscape changes on local and regional climate: a systematic review. Landscape Ecology 35:1269-1290.

Cao, H., Y. Shimura, M. M. Steffen, Z. Yang, J. Lu, A. Joel, L. Jenkins, M. Kawachi, Y. Yin and F. Garcia-Pichel. 2020. The trait repertoire enabling cyanobacteria to bloom assessed through comparative genomic complexity and metatranscriptomics. mBio 11(3):e01155-20.

Cai, Y., Y. Yan, D. Xu, X. Xu, C. Wang, X. Wang, J. Chen, X. Xin and D. J. Eldridge. 2020. The fertile island effect collapses under extreme overgrazing: evidence from a shrub-encroached grassland. Plant and Soil 448:201-212.

Brennan, J., P. S. Johnson and N. P. Hanan. 2020. Comparing stability in random forest models to map Northern Great Plains plant communities in pastures occupied by prairie dogs using Pleiades imagery. Biogeosciences 17:1281-1292.