Journal article

Graham, Z. A., D. J. Padilla-Perez and M. J. Angilletta. 2020. Virile crayfish escalate aggression according to body size instead of weapon size. Animal Behaviour 163(May):9-15.

Giraldo-Silva, A., C. Nelson, C. Penfold, N. N. Barger and F. Garcia-Pichel. 2020. Effect of preconditioning to the soil environment on the performance of 20 cyanobacterial strains used as inoculum for biocrust restoration. Restoration Ecology 28(52):S187-S193.

Giraldo-Silva, A., V. M. Fernandes, J. Bethany and F. Garcia-Pichel. 2020. Niche partitioning with temperature among heterocystous cyanobacteria (Scytonema spp., Nostoc spp., and Tolypothrix spp.) from biological soil crusts. Microorganisms 8(3):Art. 396.

Gherardi, L. A. and O. E. Sala. 2020. Global patterns and climatic controls of belowground net carbon fixation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 117(33):20038-20043.

Garcia-Pichel, F., J. P. Zehr, D. Bhattacharya and H. B. Pakrasi. 2020. What’s in a name? The case of cyanobacteria. Journal of Phycology 56(1):1-5.

Gaiser, E. E., D. M. Bell, C. N. Castorani, D. L. Childers, P. M. Groffman, R. Jackson, J. S. Kominoski, D. P. Peters, S. T. Pickett, J. Ripplinger and J. C. Zinnert. 2020. Long-term ecological research and evolving frameworks of disturbance ecology. BioScience 70(2):141-156.

Franco, A. L., L. A. Gherardi, C. Milano de Tomasel, W. S. Andriuzzi, K. E. Ankrom, E. M. Bach, P. Guan, O. E. Sala and D. H. Wall. 2020. Root herbivory controls the effects of water availability on the partitioning between above and belowground grass biomass. Functional Ecology 34(11): 2403-2410.

Firn, J., J. M. McGree, E. Harvey, H. Flores-Moreno, M. Schütz, Y. M. Buckley, E. T. Borer, E. W. Seabloom, K. J. La Pierre, A. MacDougall, S. M. Prober, C. J. Stevens, L. L. Sullivan, E. Porter, E. Ladouceur, C. Allen, K. H. Moromizato, J. W. Morgan, W. S. Harpole, Y. Hautier, N. Eisenhauer, J. P. Wright, P. B. Adler, C. A. Arnillas, J. D. Bakker, L. Biederman, A. A. Broadbent, C. S. Brown, M. N. Bugalho, M. C. Caldeira, E. E. Cleland, A. Ebeling, P. A. Fay, N. Hagenah, A. R. Kleinhesselink, R. Mitchell, J. L. Moore, C. Noguiera, P. Peri, C. Roscher, M. D. Smith, P. D. Wragg and A. C. Risch. 2020. Author Correction: Leaf nutrients, not specific leaf area, are consistent indicators of elevated nutrient inputs. Nature Ecology & Evolution 4:886-891.

Finn, D. R., J. Yu, Z. Esra Ilhan, V. M. Fernandes, C. R. Penton, R. Krajmalnik-Brown, F. Garcia-Pichel and T. M. Vogel. 2020. MicroNiche: An R package for assessing microbial niche breadth and overlap from amplicon sequencing data. Microbiology Ecology 96(8): fiaa131.

Felton, A. J., I. J. Slette, M. D. Smith and A. K. Knapp. 2020. Precipitation amount and event size interact to reduce ecosystem functioning during dry years in a mesic grassland. Global Change Biology 36(2):658–668.