Journal article

Peters, D. P., D. S. McVey, E. H. Elias, A. M. Pelzel-McCluskey, J. D. Derner, N. D. Burruss, T. S. Schrader, J. Yao, S. J. Pauszek, J. Lombard and L. L. Rodriguez. 2020. Big data–model integration and AI for vector‐borne disease prediction. Ecosphere 11(6):e03157.

Perez-Ruiz, E. R., E. R. Vivoni and N. Templeton. 2020. Urban land cover type determines the sensitivity of carbon dioxide fluxes to precipitation in Phoenix, Arizona. PLOS One 15(2):e0228537.

Peck, D. E., W. K. Reeves, A. M. Pelzel-McCluskey, J. D. Derner, B. Drolet, L. W. Cohnstaedt, D. Swanson, D. S. McVey, L. L. Rodriguez and D. P. Peters. 2020. Management strategies for reducing the risk of equines contracting vesicular stomatis virus (VSV) in the western United States. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 90(Jul):103026.

Palinski, R., S. Pauszek, N. D. Burruss, H. Savoy, A. Pelzel-McCluskey, J. Arzt, D. P. Peters and L. Rodriguez. 2020. Full genomic sequencing of vesicular stomatitis virus isolates from the 2004-2006 US outbreaks reveals assocations of viral genetics to environmental variables. Proceedings 50(1):76.

Nelson, C., A. Giraldo-Silva and F. Garcia-Pichel. 2020. A fog-irrigated soil substrate (FISS) system unifies and optimizes cyanobacterial biocrust inoculum production. Applied and Environmental Microbiology Art. 00624-20.

Meili, N., P. Burlando, J. Carmeliet, W. T. Chow, A. M. Coutts, G. Manoli, M. Roth, E. Velasco, E. R. Vivoni and S. Fatichi. 2020. Radiation, evapotranspiration, and roughness effects of urban trees on local microclimate: A modelling study. EGU General Assembly 2020

Maurer, G. E., A. Hallmark, R. F. Brown, O. E. Sala and S. L. Collins. 2020. Sensitivity of primary production to precipitation across the United States. Ecology Letters 23(3):527-536.

Martiny, J. B., K. L. Whiteson, B. J. Bohannan, L. A. David, N. A. Hynson, M. McFall-Ngai, J. F. Rawls, T. M. Schmidt, Z. Abdo, M. J. Blaser, S. Bordenstein, C. Brechot, C. T. Bull, P. Dorrestein, J. A. Eisen, F. Garcia-Pichel, J. A. Gilbert, . , M. L. Holtz, R. Knight, D. B. Welch, D. McDonald, B. Methe, N. J. Mouncey, N. T. Mueller, C. A. Pfister, L. Proctor and J. L. Sachs. 2020. The emergence of microbiome centres. Nature Microbiology 5:2-3.

Marquart, A., D. J. Eldridge, K. Geissler, C. Lobas and N. Blaum. 2020. Interconnected effects of shrubs, invertebrate‐derived macropores and soil texture on water infiltration in a semi‐arid savanna rangeland. Land Degradation & Development 31(18):2307-2318.

Mao, W., X. Zhao, T. Zhang, Z. Sun, Y. Li and M. D. Smith. 2020. Divergent interactive impacts on productivity and functional diversity from fluctuated snowfall and continuous nitrogen pollution within Inner Mongolian. Science of The Total Environment 704(Feb):135443.