Journal article

Soliveres, S. and D. J. Eldridge. 2020. Dual community assembly processes in dryland biocrust communities. Functional Ecology 34(4):877-887.

Smith, M. D., S. E. Koerner, A. K. Knapp, M. L. Avolio, F. A. Chaves, E. M. Denton, J. D. Dietrich, D. J. Gibson, J. E. Gray, A. M. Hoffman, D. L. Hoover, K. J. Komatsu, A. Silletti, K. R. Wilcox, Q. Yu and J. M. Blair. 2020. Mass ratio effects underlie ecosystem responses to environmental change. Journal of Ecology 108(3):855-964.

Slette, I. J., M. D. Smith, A. K. Knapp, S. M. Vicente-Serrano, J. J. Camarero and S. Begueria. 2020. Standardized metrics are key for assessing drought severity. Global Change Biology 26(2):e1-e3.

Schreiner-McGraw, A. P., E. R. Vivoni, H. Ajami, O. E. Sala, H. L. Throop and D. P. Peters. 2020. Woody plant encroachment has a larger impact than climate change on dryland water budgets. Scientific Reports 10:Art. 8112.

Samasse, K., N. P. Hanan, J. Y. Anchang and Y. Diallo. 2020. A high-resolution cropland map for the West African Sahel based on high-density training data, Google Earth engine, and locally optimized machine learning. Remote Sensing 12(9):Art. 1436.

Roush, D. and F. Garcia-Pichel. 2020. Succession and colonization dynamics of endolithic phototrophs within intertidal carbonates. Microorganisms 8(2):Art. 214.

Riddle, S. B. and H. L. Bateman. 2020. Habitat and soil associations of a fossorial toad in a Sonoran Desert riparian forest. Journal of Arid Environments 181(Oct):104239.

Peters, D. P., H. Savoy, G. A. Ramirez and H. Huang. 2020. AI recommender system with ML for agricultural research. IT Professional 22(3):30-32.

Peters, D. P., A. Rivers, J. L. Hatfield, D. G. Lemay, S. Liu and B. Basso. 2020. Harnessing AI to transform agriculture and inform agricultural research. IT Professional 22(3):16-21.

Peters, D. P., G. S. Okin, J. E. Herrick, H. M. Savoy, J. P. Anderson, S. L. Scroggs and J. Zhang. 2020. Modifying connectivity to promote state change reversal: The importance of geomorphic context and plant–soil feedbacks. Ecology 101(9):e03069.