Journal article

Velazco-Ayuso, S., A. Giraldo-Silva, N. N. Barger and F. Garcia-Pichel. 2020. Microbial inoculum production for biocrust restoration: testing the effects of a common substrate versus native soils on yield and community composition. Restoration Ecology 28(52):S194-S202.

van der Pluijm, B., A. AghaKouchak, M. Ellis, N. B. Grimm, H. Liao, C. H. Mari and P. Romero-Lankao. 2020. Thank you Earth’s Future reviewers in 2019. Earth’s Future 8(3):e2020EF001536.

Tu, X., G. Huang, J. Wu and X. Guo. 2020. How do travel distance and park size influence urban park visits?. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 52(Jun):126689.

Travers, S. K., D. J. Eldridge, T. B. Koen, J. Val and I. Oliver. 2020. Livestock and kangaroo grazing have little effect on biomass and fuel hazard in semi-arid woodlands. Forest Ecology and Management 467(Jul):118165.

Throop, H. L., M. K. Seely, V. J. Marufu and . Summer Drylands Program Participants. 2020. Multiple scales of spatial heterogeneity control soil respiration responses to precipitation across a dryland rainfall gradient. Plant and Soil 453:423-443.

Throop, H. L., S. R. Archer and M. P. McClaran. 2020. Soil organic carbon in drylands: Shrub encroachment and vegetation management effects dwarf those of livestock grazing. Ecological Applications 20(7):e02150.

Thomazo, C., E. Couradeau, A. Giraldo-Silva, J. Marin-Carbonne, A. Brayard, M. Homann, P. Sansjofre, S. V. Lalonde and F. Garcia-Pichel. 2020. Biological soil crusts as modern analogues for the Archean Continental Biosphere: Insights from carbon and nitrogen isotopes. Astrobiology 20(7):815–819.

Tarin, T., E. A. Yepez, J. Garatuza-Payan, J. C. Rodriguez, L. A. Mendez-Barroso, C. J. Watts and E. R. Vivoni. 2020. Evapotranspiration flux partitioning at a multi-species shrubland with stable isotopes of soil, plant, and atmosphere water pools. Atmosfera 33(4):319–335..

Talal, S., A. J. Cease and J. F. Harrison. 2020. High carbohydrate diets increase respiratory quotients above 1 due to lipid synthesis. FASEB Journal 34(51 (Supplement: Experimental Biology 2020 Meeting Abstracts)):1-1.

Sun, X., H. Tang, P. Yang, G. Hu, Z. Liu and J. Wu. 2020. Spatiotemporal patterns and drivers of ecosystem service supply and demand across the conterminous United States: A multiscale analysis. Science of The Total Environment 703(Feb):135005.