Journal article

Avolio, M. L., I. T. Carroll, S. L. Collins, G. R. Houseman, L. M. Hallett, F. Isbell, S. E. Koerner, K. J. Komatsu, M. D. Smith and K. R. Wilcox. 2019. A comprehensive approach to analyzing community dynamics using rank abundance curves. Ecosphere 10(10):e02881.

Ackermann, O., H. M. Zhevelev and T. Svoray. 2019. Agricultural systems and terrace pattern distribution and preservation along climatic gradient: From sub-humid mediterranean to arid conditions. Quaternary International 502(Part B):319-326.

Zhu, Y., M. Delgado-Baquerizo, D. Shan, X. Yang, Y. Liu and D. J. Eldridge. 2020. Diversity-productivity relationships vary in response to increasing land-use intensity. Plant and Soil 450:511-520.

Zhao, Y., Z. Liu and J. Wu. 2020. Grassland ecosystem services: A systematic review of research advances and future directions. Landscape Ecology 35:793-814.

Wu, T., C. Perrings, C. Shang, J. P. Collins, P. Daszak, A. Kinzig and B. A. Minteer. 2020. Protection of wetlands as a strategy for reducing the spread of avian influenza from migratory waterfowl. Ambio 49:939-949.

Wilson, M. C., G. Hu, L. Jiang, J. Liu, J. Liu, Y. Jin, M. Yu and J. Wu. 2020. Assessing habitat fragmentation’s hierarchical effects on species diversity at multiple scales: the case of Thousand Island Lake, China. Landscape Ecology 35:501-512.

Wilcox, K. R., K. J. Komatsu, M. L. Avolio and . C2E Cosortium. 2020. Improving collaborations between empiricists and modelers to advance grassland community dynamics in ecosystem models. New Phytologist 228(5): 1467-1471.

Wilcox, K. R., S. E. Koerner, D. L. Hoover, A. K. Borkenhagen, S. L. Collins, A. M. Hoffman, K. P. Kirkman, A. K. Knapp, T. Strydom, D. I. Thompson and M. D. Smith. 2020. Rapid recovery of ecosystem function following extreme drought in a South African savanna grassland. Ecology 101(4):e02983.

Wang, R., X. Zhang, Y. Shi, Y. Li, J. Wu and X. Chen. 2020. Habitat fragmentation changes top-down and bottom-up controls of food webs. Ecology 101(8):e03062.

Vivoni, E. R., M. Kindler, Z. Wang and E. R. Perez-Ruiz. 2020. Abiotic mechanisms drive enhanced evaporative losses under urban oasis conditions. Global Research Letters 47(22):e2020GL090123.