Be a part of the ESSA Graduate Scholars Network—We are looking for motivated graduate students:
- In natural sciences, humanities, social sciences, engineering, technology, business, or law fields,
- Who want to enhance their core studies with transformative knowledge and transdisciplinary research while developing a deeper understanding of earth systems science,
- Who want to center justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI) in their work, develop research questions with a solutions-oriented approach, and engage in team science experiences that acknowledge diverse ways of knowing
Our networked mentoring model is designed to provide multiple avenues of support to students from a variety of life perspectives and backgrounds. ESSA team-building activities, a strong structure and community, and co-location of trainees in a dedicated campus space build feelings of belonging. We embrace holistic approaches and university support for health and wellbeing, such as ASU Counseling Services, the ASU Counselor Training Center, and the LiveWell@ASU wellness program. Reach out to us if you have shared interests or ideas!
Apply to be an ESSA graduate grantee for summer 2024!
The ESSA Summer Graduate Grants initiative supports individual and collaborative research (among two or more graduate students) in interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research by providing stipends and/or research material and travel funds. Due March 20, 2024 at 5pm AZ.