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Costly punishment and its role in the evolution of cooperation

Dynamics, limitations and possibilities of the modern credit-based banking system

Trade networks and global security

Behavior-based wage dynamics and policy implications

Connectedness and interdependence as determinants of system resilience and (in)stability

An ecology-based model of sustainable economic growth

Regional dynamics and development

Growing Chinese economic power and the exacerbating effects of U.S. economic interdependence

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Costly punishment and its role in the evolution of cooperation

Dynamics, limitations and possibilities of the modern credit-based banking system

Trade networks and global security

Behavior-based wage dynamics and policy implications

Connectedness and interdependence as determinants of system resilience and (in)stability

An ecology-based model of sustainable economic growth

Regional dynamics and development

Growing Chinese economic power and the exacerbating effects of U.S. economic interdependence

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