Journal article

Schoon, M. (2015). Average is over: Powering America beyond the age of the great stagnation. Global Governance 21 (2), 338-338.

Qubbaj, M.R., R. Muneepeerakul, R.M. Aggarwal, J.M. Anderies (2015) How does a divided population respond to change? PloS One 10 (7), e0128121.

Perez, I. and M.A. Janssen (2015). The effect of spatial heterogeneity and mobility on the performance of social-ecological systems. Ecological Modelling 296: 1-11.

Milkoreit, M., M.L. Moore, M. Schoon, and C.L. Meek (2015). Resilience scientists as change-makers: growing the middle ground between science and advocacy. Environmental Science & Policy 53: 87-95.

Marean, C.W., R.J. Anderson, M. Bar-Matthews, K. Braun, R.M. Cowling, F. Engelbrecht, K.J. Esler, E. Fisher, J. Franklin, K. Hill, M.A. Janssen, A.J. Potts, and R. Zahn (2015). A new research strategy for integrating studies of paleoclimate, paleoenvironment, and paleoanthropology. Evolutionary Anthropology 24(2): 62-72.

Janssen, M.A. (2015). A behavioral perspective on the governance of common resources.Current Opinions in Environmental Sustainability 12:1-5.

Janssen, M.A., T. Lindahl, and J.J. Murphy (2015). Advancing the understanding of behavior in social-ecological systems: results from lab and field experiments. Ecology and Society 20(4):34.

Janssen, M.A., J.M. Anderies, I. Pérez and D.J. Yu (2015). The effect of information in a behavioral irrigation experiment. Water Resources and Economics 12: 14-26.

Hruschka, D.J., D. Gerkey, C. Hadley (2015). Estimating the absolute wealth of households. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 93(7): 483-490

Green, O.O., A.S. Garmestani, S. Albro, N.C. Ban, A. Berland, C.E. Burkman, M.M. Gardiner, L. Gunderson, M.E. Hopton, M.L. Schoon and W.D. Shuster (2015). Adaptive governance to promote ecosystem services in urban green spaces. Urban Ecosystems 19(1): 1-17.