Journal article

Freeman, J., J.A. Baggio, E. Robinson, D.A Byers, E. Gayo, J.B. Finley, J.A Meyer, R.L Kelly, J.M Anderies (2018) Synchronization of energy consumption by human societies throughout the Holocene. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 115 (40): 9962-9967

Anderies, J.M., J.D. Matthias, and M.A. Janssen (2018) Knowledge infrastructure and safe operating spaces in social-ecological systems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.

Zhou, B.-B., Wu, J., & Anderies, J. M. (2019). Sustainable landscapes and landscape sustainability: A tale of two concepts. Landscape and Urban Planning, 189, 274–284.

van Strien, M. J., Huber, S. H., Anderies, J. M., & Grêt-Regamey, A. (2019). Resilience in social-ecological systems: identifying stable and unstable equilibria with agent-based models. Ecology and Society, 24(2).

Tenza, A., Martínez-Fernández, J., Pérez-Ibarra, I., Giménez. A. (2018). Sustainability of small-scale social-ecological systems in arid environments: trade-off and synergies of global and regional changes, Sustainability Science 14(3), 791-807.

Stokes, L. C., & Breetz, H. L. (2018). Politics in the U.S. energy transition: Case studies of solar, wind, biofuels and electric vehicles policy. Energy Policy, 113,76–86.

Shivakoti, G. P., Janssen, M. A., & Chhetri, N. B. (2019). Agricultural and Natural Resources Adaptations to Climate Change: Governance Challenges in Asia. International Journal of the Commons, 13(2), 827–832.

Prateek, G., Knopf, R. C., & Aggarwal, R. M. (2019). Impact of out-migration of men on women’s participation in community-based forestry: insights from Van Panchayats of Uttarakhand, India. International Forestry Review, 21(2), 212–224.

Manuel-Navarrete, D., Morehart, C., Tellman, B., Eakin, H., Siqueiros-García, J. Mario., & Hernández Aguilar, B. (2019). Intentional disruption of path-dependencies in the Anthropocene: Gray versus green water infrastructure regimes in Mexico City, Mexico. Anthropocene, 26,100209.

Leonard, B., & Regan, S. (2019). Legal and Institutional Barriers to Establishing Non-Use Rights to Natural Resources. Natural Resources Journal, 59(1), 135–180.