Journal article

Cárdenas, J.C., M.A. Janssen, M. Ale, R. Bastakoti, A.M. Bernal, J. Chalermphol, Y. Gong, H.C. Shin, G. Shivakoti, Y. Wang, J.M. Anderies. 2017. Fragility of the provision of local public goods to private and collective risks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 114(5): 921-925.

Barreteau, O., D. Giband, M. Schoon, J. Cerceau, F. DeClerck, S. Ghiotti, T. James, V. Masterson, R. Mathevet, S. Rode, F. Ricci, and C. Therville (2016). Bringing together social-ecological system and territoire concepts to explore nature-society dynamics. Ecology and Society 21(4):42.

Milkoreit, M., J. Hodbod, J. Baggio, K. Benessaiah, R. Calderon- Contreras, J.F. Donges, J.D. Mathias, J.C. Rocha, M. Schoon, S.E. Werners (2018) Defining tipping points for social-ecological systems scholarship. Environmental Research Letters

Schoon, M.L., and M.E. Cox (2018) Collaboration, adaptation and scaling: perspectives on environmental governance for sustainability. Sustainability 10 (3): 679.

Antoni, C., H. Reyes Hernández, E. Huber-Sannwald, A. van´t Hooft, M. Schoon (2018) Socio-ecological dynamic of a tropical agricultural landscape: historical analysis of system change using the adaptive cycle. Land Use Policy.

Shelton, R.E., A. Baeza, M.A. Janssen, and H. Eakin (2018) Managing household socio-hydrological risk in Mexico City: A game to communicate and validate computational modeling with stakeholders. Journal of Environmental Management 227: 200-208.

Robinson, D.R., A. Di Vittorio, P. Alexander, A. Arneth, C.M. Barton, D.G. Brown, A. Kettner, C. Lemmen, B. O’Neill, M.A. Janssen, T. Pugh, S.S. Rabin, M. Rounsevell, J. Syvitski, I. Ullah and P.H. Verburg (2018) Modelling feedbacks between human and natural processes in the land system, Earth System Dynamics

Lade, S.J., J.F. Donges, I. Fetzer, J.M. Anderies, C. Beer, S.E. Cornell, T. Gasser, J. Norberg, K. Richardson, J. Rockström, and W. Steffen (2018) Analytically tractable climate–carbon cycle feedbacks under 21st century anthropogenic forcing. Earth System Dynamics 9(2): 507-523

Janssen, M.A., A. Jenik, S.Z. Tekola, K. Davis, S. Flores, W. Gibbs, M. Koehn, V. Lyons, C. Mallory, S. Rood, S. Guelpa and L.A. Pfister (2018) Drylab 2023: Living a possible future with resource scarcity. Ecology & Society 23(4):8

Homayounfar, M., R. Muneepeerakul, J.M. Anderies, C.P. Muneepeerakul (2018) Linking resilience and robustness and uncovering their trade-offs in coupled infrastructure systems. Earth System Dynamics 9(4): 1159-1168