Can human-made trees
save our planet?

Our worldwide climate crisis is driving the need for innovative, scalable ways to meet carbon-neutral targets.

Planting more natural trees alone cannot correct our planet’s current global temperature rise trend. Arizona State University, in collaboration with Carbon Collect, is charting the way in this effort as part of our commitment to innovation and leadership that will help shape a future where all of the Earth’s inhabitants may thrive.

ASU researchers have pioneered creation of a first-of-its kind MechanicalTreeTM

Developed by Klaus Lackner and ASU’s Center for Negative Carbon Emissions, the MechanicalTreeTM is a thousand times more efficient than natural trees at removing carbon dioxide fromthe air.

By capturing wind-delivered CO2 as air naturally flows through it – passively, without the use of energy intensive blowers – the MechanicalTreeTM then closes and releases clean, concentrated CO2 to be economically stored or converted into synthetic fuel and other useful products. These innovations are efficiently removing and safely storing harmful atmospheric CO2, our best path to meeting the goals of the Paris Accords.

Humans contribute to global warming by releasing more than 36 billion metric tons of CO2 into the atmosphere every year. The negative emissions technology embodied in the MechanicalTreeTM addresses the root cause of global warming and the resulting climate change. This technology makes impactful global deployment commercially viable, creating a solution for global leaders adopting carbon mitigation strategies through technological removal of CO2.

ASU researchers have pioneered creation of a first-of-its kind MechanicalTree™

Developed by Klaus Lackner and ASU’s Center for Negative Carbon Emissions, the MechanicalTree is a thousand times more efficient than natural trees at removing carbon dioxide from the air.

By capturing wind-delivered CO2 as air naturally flows through it – passively, without the use of energy intensive blowers – the MechanicalTree then closes and releases clean, concentrated CO2 to be economically stored or converted into synthetic fuel and other useful products. These innovations are efficiently removing and safely storing harmful atmospheric CO2, our best path to meeting the goals of the Paris Accords.

Humans contribute to global warming by releasing more than 36 billion metric tons of CO2 into the atmosphere every year. The negative emissions technology embodied in the MechanicalTree addresses the root cause of global warming and the resulting climate change. This technology makes impactful global deployment commercially viable, creating a solution for global leaders adopting carbon mitigation strategies through technological removal of CO2.

Klaus Lackner standing next to laboratory equipment.

Learn more

If you’re interested in placing a MechanicalTree at your facility or have any questions, send us a message.