Lesson plans
We have developed a variety of lessons that support conceptual understandings of urban ecology and sustainability, as well as integrate with our scientific protocols and games. While our Ecology Explorer lesson plans can be delivered independently, all lessons support multiple themes. You’ll find all of our lessons below, both alphabetically by title and grouped by various topics to inspire ideas for possible units.
Resources for teachers
The Ecology Explorers program puts the knowledge and expertise of ASU’s Central Arizona-Phoenix Long Term Ecological Research project into the hands of educators and students. Our teacher materials are developed in collaboration with scientists, graduate students and other education partners. We have intentionally designed these resources to develop student skills for planning and carrying out investigations, analyzing and interpreting data and communicating evidence-based information.
Presentation sets
Presentations and graphics to support and supplement our lessons and protocols.
Printed materials
A list of printed materials dealing with ecological topics. The materials are organized by grade level.
Guides to research protocols
The guides for this website’s scientific activities are included here as PDF files, formatted for printing. They also indicate the science standards that each activity fulfills. You can download the entire guide or just the sections you need.